Saturday, December 7, 2019

Management of Change Operational Methods

Question: Discuss about theManagement of Changefor Operational Methods. Answer: Topic 1 Organisational change can be identified as one of the most fundamental strategies to modify the existing management structure, operational methods, and current set of business strategies so that the productivity of the firm will be enhanced over the time (Hughes, 2007). In order to endure success in the contemporary business environment, modern organisations need to adapt latest information technology and strategic intervention to be competitive. Meanwhile, by identifying the drivers of change, an organisation can establish the best management as well as strategic concepts leading towards growth. According to the changing demand of the target demographics as well as the economic condition, the enterprises need to reassign the management model. Precisely, organisational change can improve the standards of business dynamics in the competitive market to stay a step ahead of the competitors. The rapidly changing market and globalisation opportunities have created significant ways to increase growth for a contemporary business organisation. Therefore, in order to develop the organisations market prospect, organisational change management can be recognised as one of the most comprehensive factors (Senior, 2002). Understandably, the management must identify the scope and nature of organisational change leading to organisational development. For instance, each of the modern organisations has valued technological development more than anything else. Meanwhile, by using e-commerce platform, a contemporary business firm such as Coles Supermarket Australia Pty Ltd has made significant changes in the human resources management by including well-trained employees supportive for e-marketing as well as sales. Also, the latest information technology and communication channels have been instrumentally introduced in the management structure leading to organisational change. Hence, exqu isite organisational development can be made by identifying the scale and scope of the organisational change management. Topic 2 According to the research of McKinsey Company, more than 70 percent large organisations fail to effective implement changes as per their desired goals. The primary reasons for the failure are the lack of skills and knowledge, the high pace of implementing change, lack of planning and research, and culture working against change. Hence, it is important for the top level executives to adequately assess the outcomes of the planned changes before implementing them in the operations of the firm (Hughes, 2007). Two examples of the failure of change management have been presented herein below: Old and Narrow Metrics: An excellent example of change program failure is the old and narrow parameters of Nokia. During the success phase of Nokia, it did not consider Samsung and Apple as its competitors. But, when it found that the change is required for the companys survival, it became too late for the organisation to implement changes in its policy (Hughes, 2007). The change process ended up with the sale of the company to Microsoft Corporation. Hence, it is important to have a tight watch on the market and maintain a higher position to implement changes in an appropriate way. Too fast change: Making changes too quickly can be a risky and bold move for an organisation. Nationals board hired a new CEO Brian Halla, who tried to shift the company from low-cost analog semiconductor chip producer to a microprocessor based chips producers for a new age of information appliances (Tobak, 2009). The changes were made too fast that was not acceptable to the employees and its customers. The changes resulted in a loss of billion dollars and made the company start its operations from the beginning. References Hughes, M. (2007). The Tools and Techniques of Change Management.Journal Of Change Management,7(1), 37-49. Hughes, M. (2007). When faculties merge: Communicating change.Journal Of Organisational Transformation Social Change,4(1), 25-38. Senior, B. (2002).Organisational change(1st ed.). Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Tobak, S. (2009). Why Change Management Fails. Retrieved January 2017, from

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